about me
once upon a time many years ago i appeared from thin air :D
i live in europe and my site lives in the Netherlands
im also practicing to become a music producer (been making music for my game for 5 years now)
my accomplishments
(atleast the ones i remember right now lol)
- learnt english on my own by playing minecraft
- started coding in a game called garry's mod
technically not accomplished yet but im making a game based off of DATA WING :D
(dan vogt if ur somehow reading this thank u for making data wing :D)
- rewrote this entire site in 2 days
and now here i am making this site :D
click pe acest text si ajungi la pagina dorita
i can code in a lot of stuff but mainly its just these:
c++ (and technically C)
c#.NET & vb.NET
and a bit of:rust
with experience in:
gmod's glua
i can make music (learnt it all on my own from 0, so i suck at a lot of things)
my one and only album:
i have a LOT more music than what's on my soundcloud its just mostly for my own projects lol
about this site
this site is powered by:
friend's vps node.js sqlite3
ejs you! :D
and i use these NPM modules for the backend:
app-root-path canvas chalk cookie-parser cookie dotenv ejs express fast-geoip jimp node-fetch node-stream-zip socket.io sqlite3 uuid